The intent of this document is to give you some help in adding your Desktop Masters hosted eMail to your Android based phone. Notes…
  • Only the information specified as case sensitive is case sensitive.
  • All the directions below are meant to be done on your Android Phone.
  • If you are not sure you know your password test/verify it by logging into the webmail here.
  • If you are still using the password that was assigned to you, you must first make up your own password and switch to it by following these directions before configuring your phone.
  • The interface on the Android is different from phone type to phone type so the instructions may not be exact.  You may need to improvise a bit.  If you are confused call your Desktop Masters support line.

Removing Old eMail Accounts

Note: If you have no preexisting eMail accounts you need to remove you can skip this section. Removing your old accounts…
  1. Go to the eMail App
  2. Open the eMail account you wish to remove
  3. Select the “Menu” then “More” -> “Settings”
    • Note: On some phones you get a list of accounts.  Press and hold your finger on the account to remove.
  4. At the bottom of the resulting menu list you should see “Delete Account”.

Adding a New eMail Account

Note: If you do not know what IMAP is or your computer is using POP3 then choose POP3 when prompted.  If your computers eMail (Outlook/Thunderbird) is using IMAP then you want to choose IMAP when prompted. Note: In the below instructions replace with YOUR eMail address.  Replace “Example Name” with your full display name.
  1. If you are not already at the start of the create a new account wizard you will want to go to eMail and choose “New Account” (You may need to press the “More” button to see the option.
  2. If prompted for a Mail provider choose “Other (POP3/IMAP)” (By touching it)
  3. Do not bother filling out the boxes just go directly to the lower left and choose the “Manual Setup” button.
  4. Incoming Server Settings…
    • Choose POP or IMAP.  If you know your computer is using it choose IMAP otherwise choose POP3.  If your computers Inbox is in the “Local Folders” section then you are not using IMAP.
    • Email address: (Type your eMail address) (Case SenSitive)
    • Username: (Type your eMail address in Lower Case)
    • Password: (Type your personal password) (CaSe SenSitive)
    • Incoming POP (or IMAP) Server:
    • Security Type: None
    • Port: (Leave at its default 110 or 143)
    • Choose Next to go to the next screen.
  5. Outgoing server settings…
    • Login required: Checked
    • Username: (Your eMail Address)
    • Password:  (Type your personal password) (CaSe SenSitive)
    • SMTP server:
    • Security Type: None
    • Server port: 587 (You will see 25 you must change it to 2525 / do not miss this step)
    • Choose Next to go to the next screen.
  6. New account
    • Account name: (CaSe SenSitive / This is just the display name of the account for you type your eMail address)
    • Your name: Example Name (CaSe SenSitive / This is the display name that people see in your eMail Address type your full name)
    • Make this my Default Account: Checked (Unless you have another account you wish to be your primary)
    • Choose Finish setup to load up your eMail.